Scott T. Cook

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A new Globalized look for a global brand

Scott Cook, Creative Director
Scott Cook, Creative Director

Byju's refreshed Amazon Marketplace

As the new Creative Director for North America I was charged with redesigning the full branding toolkit for the Byju’s learning featuring Disney K3 product line in NA, redesigning the Byju’s / Disney logos and trademark assets across both print and digital, refresh and/or create new packaging for approximately 25 different K3 SKU’s based on the new K3 design direction derived from the modified
G 1-3 workbooks, maintain oversight and direction on creative aspects for both digital and multimedia campaigns such as digital ad work as well as script writing for short video spots for the July product launch. 

We have already begun to receive positive feedback from both Disney and our retail team members such as this commentary in regards to our Walmart Introductory Kit box design. 4-22

Upon first review, structure and execution of the side panel are GREAT. In fact, best product packaging execution I have seen or been part of the process with in the 16 months I have been here.”

Richard Ryan 

Senior Product Marketing Manager.

"Lots of love for the new packaging from the Disney Team."

Catherine Wood

Senior Manager Curriculum Development, DPW

Excerpt from 2022 End of Year Summary and Review